Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Like No One Ever Was: Chapter 10

Title:  Like No One Ever Was
Chapter 10:   From the earth, the land, the sea, and sky, they can never win (but they sure can try!)
Series: Pokemon
Summary:  Nature brought the tornado, Team Rocket got them stuck in it, Age caused the building's collapse, and Bad Luck did the rest. But none of them are to blame for electrocuting Ash to the point of brain damage. That's all on Pikachu.

(Audio version)
"Not even Ash can kick me out of my own family."

(I can't believe this chapter... over twenty characters, all getting emotional... I'm a little surprised I lived...)

Monday, October 14, 2013


Quote from the Pokemon XY game...
"The famous Professor Oak's Grandson came here to the Kalos Region to study abroad.  He got 'Bonjour' down just fine, but he still always said 'Smell ya later' when he left!"
...So, today we learn two things...
One, Game Freak has the same sense of humor as it's fanbase.
and, Two, hoping for Shigeru to show up in the anime is not completely hopeless.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

PV Spam! Perfume and Yohio each try to be more beautiful than the other...

PV spam!  Perfume's 1mm... from their new "Level 3" album
And Yohio's Revolution from his new album "Break the Border"
For some reason, I had trouble finding that on Youtube...
...But whatever the case, I now officially need to own both these albums, right now...
... although if I was honest with myself, I've been waiting to buy them all year, right?  Stop pretending you're discerning and have self-control, Mako, it's not true at all ;)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Incoherent squealing...

This trailer...

Dent and Takeshi...
...If there's not a cook-off, I swear I'm gonna...
...And what is this, goodbye?  NO!  NO, Dent, Iris, you need to keep stalking the Sato-kid! (especially Dent, because he brings Pinot and Cabernet with him, oh, the running gag rivalries that crossed regions...)
... And that XY outfit.. now with 25% more sparkles... just... I can't even form words for all my thoughts...
...Rock it, Sato, you know you're beautiful... (...and too cute not to get beaten up within three seconds... )
And, uh, maybe it's just the first episode but is the animation getting better?  (Iwane...?)  That opening battle, man...
I love this show so much... GAH!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

This seems slightly familiar..

Remind you of anyone...?

Match made in heaven...

Non-vocoded... At least the first part was completely raw and live... And the cute and the dancing and the....
I love all your sounds, Perfume, I love all your looks, but this is fabulous.  Give us more, and I will be throwing so much money at you.  All my money, take it, it's yours...
Also, MAIDS!  XD  Adorable!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jin's Alive!

Jin's off probation or paternity leave or whatever... Yes, our boy is still alive and kicking.  As for the PV... I don't know if I have anything to say other than...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

of "Keys" and "Keeping Calm"...

Two more for the Filk/Musical Fanfiction genre... sort of.  I published them to my slightly-more-legit-ish webiste and YouTube channel, but at their core, these songs are filk.  It is me, after all...
But, even if these songs are a bit more covert in their nerdiness, you may still enjoy them.  "Keys of the Kingdom" is also my first crack at using the AVANNA Vocaloid software, and I'm hoping to get a lot more practice with her.
Have fun!  It shouldn't be that hard to guess which fandoms each belong to... I mean, assuming your ears don't bleed first...
"Keys of the Kingdom" feat. AVANNA
"Keep Calm and Perform Admirably"

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Perfume. Disney. Maids. Aug 14th.

Perfume/Disney collaboration!

This is probably going to be the best thing ever.  In fact, scratch "probably", I'm rather certain...
... will they be singing live?  Like, full live?  Please, we all know A~chan's got a set of pipes...
Also, Momoiro Clover Z...
...If this thing isn't on YouTube within seconds of it's airing, I will be very disappointed in this fandom...

Sunday, July 7, 2013

zombies and crack and rogue!pikachu and that poor, poor, Sato-kid

Sato's eyes are hidden...
... and mine are sobbing tears...
...so much crack...
...really, so much crack...
...and then this episode gave me the feelings...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fake Geek Girls and Crap...

Hold on to your seats, for I am about to explain you some things!
You know what, world?  Get over it.  I look how I look.
If you think I look hot, great, I do, too.  If you think I look like a girl, great, I do, too.  If you think I'm kinda mousey and plain, well, okay, I have also had such thoughts on occasion, it's really not the point.
I look how I look.  I like what I like.  And those things have nothing to do with each other.
More importantly, they have nothing to do with you.
You shouldn't have to walk by a hot girl at a convention and wonder, "Is she really a fan, does she really like what she says she likes?"  Why are you thinking these things?  What does it matter to you if she's a fan or not?  You don't know this girl, you don't have to talk to her.  You don't even have to keep looking at her, if you don't want.
And why would she dress up in an outfit that most people would find ridiculous and embarassing if she didn't enjoy some aspect of conventions?  Why would she even be here? 
Is she a costumer?  Does she enjoy the design and craftsmanship of costumes and characters, along with the overabundance of creativity present at such events?
Is she a casual fan, hoping to discover more things she likes and meet like-minded people?  Or a hard-core fan, here for the same reasons?
Is she here with her friends?  Supporting their likes and interests and enjoying everyone else's passions, open to new discoveries?
You don't know this girl. 
So why do you cast judgment on whether or not she is allowed to have fun based on how she looks?
Seriously, why?
And don't tell me every boy who walks in with hand-crafted chain mail isn't drooling with pride and hoping someone will shower him with praise and attention.  Don't tell me every man who cosplays Kamina doesn't, on some small level, think he's God's gift to otaku women. 
Maybe some girls do like attention.  Maybe they do only dress up to attract, maybe they're booth babes paid to do so?  What do you care?  No one's forcing you to hang out with them, you don't have to talk to them.
And what makes you think they're interested in you?  Because a shallow girl looking for attention is going to seek that attention from guys she wants, not the lowest common denominator.  Not a person she finds repulsive.  She's not going to wear a batman costume and hang out at Comic Con if she's hoping to get Brad Pitt or the high school quaterback.  If she's wearing a skimpy superhero costume, something we're made to feel ashamed about if it's not Halloween, she enjoys the character or the event.  If she's looking for attention from awkward nerds and geeks, and is not paid for it, she is into such things herself, and wants a guy to like these things with.
Just like anything else in life.
"Well, where were these girls when I was growing up?" you ask.  Well, a lot of us were at home, wondering if we dared go to such a place like Comic-Con, because we were told we weren't wanted there.  Girls couldn't appreciate comics, they're boy things.  Girls don't like Star Trek, it's all about science. Fantasy novels are only for ugly boys who don't know how to talk to women, fan conventions are full of perverts.  Tits or GTFO.  Now it's somewhat cool to like these things, so girls are checking it out.  I think that's great, I would have thought guys would agree.
They do, but not if the girls are too pretty, I guess.  Because looks and intelligence are oh-so-connected.
I come to Comic-Con and like places to get away from that.  Because, theoretically, it's the one place in my life where the only thing that matters is what I like, what it makes me think and feel, and sharing that with people.  And buying merch, of course.  Being a woman, being too pretty or not pretty enough doesn't factor in. 
Or it shouldn't. Yet, vendors alienate potential customers simply because they're female and they feel the need to judge.  Convention go-ers turn away the chance to grow the fanbase and actually meet other female people who have similar interests, because of a need to mark their territory.
I really thought you were better than that... maybe you're the one who was fake?

Even Shigeru is saddened by your level of jerk-face-ness.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

X and Y info


I am loving this outfit!

... and he starts from Luminose City...
...this is gonna be awesome...!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Tokyo Bandwagon

Finally, Kame has another Drama... 
Finally, finally, yes, yes, yes... I can't say it enough.
Please, Kame... for your sake and all of ours, I hope this skews more "Yokai Ningen Bem" and "YamaNade" and not "Kami no Shizuku"...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Trek Marathon

So, after watching Star Trek: Into Darkness three times, I decided my bank account needed a break... Surely, I could hold it together until the movie gets into the dollar theatres?
Until then, I decided to re-watch Wrath of Khan.  Except... well, you can't really JUST watch Wrath of Khan. 
...Hence my current Star Trek Marathon...
I'd forgotten that the series takes about six or seven episodes to find it's footing.  Once it does though, it's an unparalleled level of fabulous.  The good episodes are good and the bad episodes are delightful.

What we have learned about the Enterprise?
1.  If Spock's life isn't suffering, then the episode is not over yet.
2.  McCoy is a doctor.  Not a ___, a ___ or a ____.
3.  The fight hasn't really started until Kirk's shirt has been ripped open.
4.  Nobody gives a flying fart about the Prime Directive.
And 5. Uhura deserves a Congressional Medal of Honor for all her years of service on this high-functioning psych ward.

Some people may not like the two newest movies, but I proudly say I loved them, and would like to remind you all that THIS:




Please, don't even start with me...

Spock finds your criticisms illogical, and will demolish them on sight.
Seen above: Demolishing.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

X and Y

Well, X and Y is getting more French with every press release.
...Love it.
If Cabernet, Pinot and Dent do not make an appearance in that anime season, I quit.
...And Ash's crossdressing gag... I expect Eurovision-level Epic.
Nothing less.

Let's hear it for The Guch

Guchi... You've found your stride!  Now, RUN WITH IT, MY MAN!


Flash PV
Fun and dance-y.  You know you wanna click on it... ;P

Saturday, May 11, 2013


So, I'm in a production of Arthur Miller's "The Crucible"... and I'm a huge Pokemon nerd...
You'd think those things would be separate, but you see, there's this one episode in the first season...
... every time I hear the name "Proctor", I just start laughing...
... It doesn't help that one of the cast members reminds me of Brock...
...It really doesn't help that the guy playing Proctor sometimes reminds me of Dent...
...Who I have sometimes referred to as "The Predator"...
...(if you're not familiar, Proctor is a lecher, albeit repentant.  The anime Proctor has no such qualms of conscience)...
...it's super hard not to giggle, and focus on how I'm sending innocent people to their deaths...
Tonight is our last show... I am probably going to spend all my backstage time casting the Crucible characters with Pokemon ones. 
... what role should I give Satoshi?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Cyaneko for the win...

 This comic is love.


鼻唄 | cyaneko [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=29251257

Monday, April 29, 2013

Ash confesses to a girl?

At about 6:00 mins in... Shokotan and Satoshi, OTP.

Does fandom have a name for this ship yet?  Because it's already more canon that most others involving Ash XD haha...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Run For You

Musical Fanfics
Title:  Run For You
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Riku makes a promise to Kairi.  Gotta break in those clown shoes one way or another.

Note:  I am aware that my guitar playing is not stellar.  It's a newly acquired skill; I'll keep practicing... Assuming anyone's actually listening to this, haha ;P

Friday, January 18, 2013

Like No One Ever Was: Chapter 8

Title:  Like No One Ever Was
Chapter 8:  It's not about win or lose, it's the path you choose...
Series:  Pokemon
Summary:   Nature brought the tornado, Team Rocket got them stuck in it, Age caused the building's collapse, and Bad Luck did the rest. But none of them are to blame for electrocuting Ash to the point of brain damage. That's all on Pikachu.

Audio Version: "Prepare for Trouble!"

Author's Note:  There are few things as thrilling as performing a Team Rocket motto... Now, I understand why they do it so often- It's a rush! :D