Tuesday, May 14, 2013

X and Y

Well, X and Y is getting more French with every press release.
...Love it.
If Cabernet, Pinot and Dent do not make an appearance in that anime season, I quit.
...And Ash's crossdressing gag... I expect Eurovision-level Epic.
Nothing less.

Let's hear it for The Guch

Guchi... You've found your stride!  Now, RUN WITH IT, MY MAN!


Flash PV
Fun and dance-y.  You know you wanna click on it... ;P

Saturday, May 11, 2013


So, I'm in a production of Arthur Miller's "The Crucible"... and I'm a huge Pokemon nerd...
You'd think those things would be separate, but you see, there's this one episode in the first season...
... every time I hear the name "Proctor", I just start laughing...
... It doesn't help that one of the cast members reminds me of Brock...
...It really doesn't help that the guy playing Proctor sometimes reminds me of Dent...
...Who I have sometimes referred to as "The Predator"...
...(if you're not familiar, Proctor is a lecher, albeit repentant.  The anime Proctor has no such qualms of conscience)...
...it's super hard not to giggle, and focus on how I'm sending innocent people to their deaths...
Tonight is our last show... I am probably going to spend all my backstage time casting the Crucible characters with Pokemon ones. 
... what role should I give Satoshi?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Cyaneko for the win...

 This comic is love.


鼻唄 | cyaneko [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=29251257