Kingdom Hearts has a lot of Win points,
and a few points of fail, nobody's perfect. All around, I think most
people agree it's a pretty good game, and the fans love it to bits.
Narrowing down the best point would be an arduous task.
So, this article isn't going to do
that. I'm not here to tell you the BEST part about Kingdom Hearts,
but the most fascinating part, to me. It may not be the best part of the game,
in fact, I'm rather sure it's not, but it is the part that stunned me
into silence the second I realized it. Once I saw, I could never
forget it, and even now, I am forced to put my controller down
periodically and offer a “that was interesting...”
Because the most fascinating point of
Kingdom Hearts is Riku.
It's not that he's so cool, although he
is. It's not because while Sora got a Keyblade and was meeting
Donald and Goofy, Riku was running around the worlds destroying
heartless with nothing but his wooden sword and a will of iron. He's
got looks, charisma, baggage, danger, can smell darkness like a
bloodhound and is delightfully hardcore in everything he does, but
that's not what makes him the best part of Kingdom Hearts.
And it's not his looks. Really. Not at all... |
What makes him astounding is that he's
an extremely inconvenient character to keep around after the first
Kingdom Hearts 1 doesn't have a terribly original plot. That's not a
slam, most plots are incredibly similar once you break them down to
their basics, and several dramatists and philosophers have claimed
that there's only about five stories in the world, and what makes
them different is just the minor details. And Kingdom Hearts (the
first) totally kills in it's tiny details, but the basics are
familiar. Two friends, growing up together and competing, both in
love with the same girl. The main character is called upon to be a
hero and discovers his true potential, the best friend makes some bad
decisions and ends up on the side of wrong so they have to fight each
other. But, in the end, the best friend comes back to the light side
and does something dramatic to redeem himself, evil is defeated, cue
happy ending.
That's basically Kingdom Hearts, right
up until “cue happy ending”, because that's where things get
weird... that's where the mind-rape begins...
As I said, we've seen the above plot a
million times before. And, typically, in the above plot, the
character of the best friend negates himself, because for there to be
a happy ending, he kind of has to. Usually the evil side is, well,
pretty evil, and our wayward friend may have done a lot of
unpardonable things. To just apologize and come back would be nice
in the real world, but in fiction, we find it less palatable than if
his redemptive act is equal and appropriate to his crimes. An eye
for an eye. Several times, in these plots, the friend sacrifices
themselves for the greater good, usually ending their life.
And that's exactly what Riku does,
except instead of truly dying, he gets locked behind that door in the
realm of darkness. But, he has the king with him, so the audience
can assume that they'll be safe together, sequel or no sequel. The
story could end right there, Riku in an unknown land, but with King
Mickey and so, someday they'll be able to come home. If the credits
fell there, it could be a perfect happy ending.
But Kingdom Hearts likes to tweak
things just a bit, and says, “No”. No, Sora doesn't get to go
home to his island and his princess. He, Donald and Goofy are going
to continue to fight the good fight, find the King and Riku, and all
go home together. Fine, perfect premise for a sequel. Except...
...another reason the “wayward best
friend” characters eliminate themselves in the climax is because
once they've seen the error of their ways, made up for it and come
back, it's really hard to find a new place to go with them.
Suddenly, they become incredibly one-dimensional, unless you can find
some new direction to go in, one that doesn't feel forced, and
doesn't upstage the journey of the main character. It's hard to pull
it off seamlessly, and it's a reason these characters tend to die a
lot, or go off on their own, maybe get reduced to a minor role,
anything to get them out of the picture. They're hard to deal with,
sometimes, and it can be easier to just move them out of the way.
Kingdom Hearts gets around this by running Sora and Riku's stories
back to back in Chain of Memories, where Riku gets to be his own
protagonist, and basically, relive his whole story again. Being a
video game also allowed the creators to be a bit more flexible than
some other mediums. So, again, they got around it.
But, ultimately, Riku has to have a bit
of a darkness regression, because, if he returns to his old, happy
self, there's nothing more to do with him. Being happy is
Sora's department, and he's the main character. Basically, if
Riku wants to stay in the plot, he has to be continuously pushed
further into darkness, conflict and depression, but again, there's
only so much of that you can do before it gets old. A big reason why
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep stars some new characters; we need a
break from Sora and Riku, they've exhausted us for the time being.
We needed to back off before Dream Drop Distance
Yes, all the above plays a factor in my
argument, but more than any of that, Riku is inconvenient for one
giant reason, and because of that, his existence is astounding.
He likes Kairi.
Yes, that seems obvious, we've known
that since the beginning, it's an important part of his rivalry with
Sora, it's part of his motivations to join the dark forces, it's a
staple of the plot formula I mentioned above. It's not so radical
that he likes Kairi.
How could you not like this cutie? |
The radical part is that he never stops
liking Kairi.
You see why a lot of the characters in
Riku's position tend to get eliminated before the story finishes,
right? Because it's pretty obvious that Sora and Kairi are going to
end up together, then, lo, and behold, they do. If Riku were to come
home to the islands, they'll still be three BFF's, but the dichotomy
has changed. Sora and Kairi will be a happy couple, and Riku will be
the third wheel, which wouldn't be so bad if he didn't still like
Kairi himself. The happy ending is marred by Riku's silent
love-pining. We are forever forced to ignore the giant elephant in
the room that is Riku's breaking heart and increasing awkwardness. I
wouldn't be surprised if watching my love and my best friend together
every day wouldn't drive me to open up the door to darkness again.
So, if the “wayward best friend”
character didn't get killed sacrificing themselves, there are two
other common patterns for them. They can somehow “get over”
their previous love interest, making it very clear that they're no
longer hurt if she goes for the hero. Or, they can find a new love.
With two sequels, Disney and Square had a lot of time to do this, but
never do. Therefore, we can assume it's deliberate.
Very deliberate. Riku demonstrates on
several occasions his devotion and caring for Kairi, and when Kairi
and Sora finally reunite in a huggy emotional way, Riku can't take it
and has to leave. Every time Kairi is brought up in Riku's presence,
you'd think he was the hero expected to get the princess. No,
Riku never stops liking Kairi, and the only other girl he interacts
with is Namine, who is, sort of, Kairi.
I dare you to look into those big eyes and deny her anything |
As a friend put it to me, “Hanging
out with Mickey did wonders for Riku's self-esteem, but it did
absolutely nothing for his love life.”
This is a weird move for Disney, to
have a main character, hero in his own right, be perpetually unhappy.
Riku was the protagonist for one game, even, and he needs to have
some closure in this department. It's not like Square ran it behind
Disney's back, because Disney was very involved in the process,
having to, of course, protect their investments. Riku's love life is
such a small, simple thing, but it's unusual, and has an effect on
the rest of the story. After all, what kind of ending is it if the
three friends make it back home, but one of them will never be happy?
It reminds me of Quasimodo, and I kind
of hope the acknowledge this if Riku goes to that world in Dream Drop
Distance. “I feel you, buddy, I didn't get the girl, either...”
But, that's the most interesting factor
in the game, to me. They don't make a big deal about it, it
just is. Riku is who he is, and he's not just going to get over
Kairi, or transfer affections so quickly. Wouldn't that feel forced
an awkward if he did? And so, Riku quietly pines, and everyone
quietly pretends not to notice, but the weird part is, Sora and Kairi
know. It's so bizarre.
And so, I have to say, it's a brave
move for Disney. It's not so unusual for Square, but again, it's
pulled off so subtly, and despite being a character who is remarkably
inconvenient, Riku becomes one of the deepest and most fascinating
characters in the game.
Well played, guys.